CVIDS Archives - 2020

2020 Calendar of Events

Glimpses of 2020 (from What's New Page)

Recap of 2020 (from Bulletin Board)

Recap of 2020 (from November Newsletter)

January Meeting - cancelled due to winter weather

February Meeting

March Meeting - cancelled due to COVID pandemic

Spring Public Plant Sale - cancelled due to pandemic

April Meeting - cancelled due to pandemic

Club Plant Eligibility

Club Plant Distribution:
Organization - Daylilies
Organization of e-mail Silent Auction - Iris
The Mechanics
A Pictorial, Humorous Overview

2020 ADS Region One Summer Regional in Cedar Rapids - cancelled due to pandemic

Open Gardens:
Keith & Sally Riewerts, Bruce & Becky Whitaker, Wanda Lunn, Sherry & Lynn Moffit, Sara Kelley, Sue & Dave Kramer, Tom & Linda Jones, Joyce Petersen, Pete & Pat Connolly, Darrin & Shelly Lett, Heather Harroun, Barb McCreight, Gary Oster, Ginger Preuss, Nancy Carlisle, and Tony, Kim & Everett Brown
Open Gardens I
Open Gardens II
Open Gardens III

The August 2020 Derecho

Fall Sale, Club Meeting, Club Daylily Plant Return, Iris Auction - cancelled due to pandemic

Iris Silent Auction

Hybridizers' Roundup - formal meeting cancelled due to pandemic but presentations submitted:
Heather Harroun (part 1)
Heather Harroun (part 2)
Barb Papenhausen (part 1)
Barb Papenhausen (part 2)
Keith Riewerts

Fall Banquet - cancelled due to pandemic

In Memoriam (to be updated)

2020 CVIDS Board

CVIDS Bylaws

Members' Handbook

2020 Newsletters
